Friday 14 May 2010

101 Suite . . .

ပညာေရးသိပၸံဆိုတဲ့ ဘာသာရပ္ဟာ
အေျပာလြယ္သေလာက္ အလုပ္တကယ္ခက္ပါတယ္။ ေက်ာင္းသားေတြရဲ႕ဘ၀၊ မိမိရဲ႕ဂုဏ္သိကၡာစတာေတြနဲ႔ အရင္းအႏွီးျပဳရတာျဖစ္လုိ႔ ေက်ာင္းသားေတြရဲ႕ လမ္းျပၾကယ္ေတြ ျဖစ္ၾကတဲ့ ဆရာေတြဟာလည္း မိမိတို႔ကိုယ္ကို အေကာင္းဆံုးျဖစ္ေအာင္ အၿမဲႀကိဳးစားေနမွေတာ္ကာက်ပါတယ္။ အခုလို နည္းပညာတိုးတက္လာတဲ့ ေခတ္မွာ ဆိုေတာ့ အစစအရာရာ ပိုလို႔အဆင္ေျပသလို ပိုၿပီးလည္းႀကိဳးစားရပါတယ္။ ႏိုင္ငံတကာက ဆရာေတြနဲ႔ ရင္ေပါင္တန္းႏိုင္တဲ့ တန္း၀င္ျမန္မာဆရာေတြ မ်ားႏိုိင္သမွ်မ်ားေပၚေစခ်င္တာ တကယ့္ေစတနာပါ။

တိုးတက္ေနၾကၿပီျဖစ္တဲ့ က်န္တဲ့ႏိုင္ငံေတြနဲ႔ေလာေလာဆယ္မွာ အစစအရာရာ မယွဥ္ႏုိင္ေသးဘူးဆိုေပမယ့္ ဉာဏ္ရည္နဲ႔စိတ္ဓာတ္ပိုင္းမွာေတာ့ ယွဥ္ႏိုင္ေအာင္ပ်ဳိးေထာင္ေပးလို႔ရႏိုင္ပါတယ္။ အဲဒီလိုပ်ဳိးေထာင္ေပးၾကမဲ့ ျမန္မာပညာေရးပဲ့ကိုင္ ဆရာဆရာမေတြအတြက္ အေထာက္အကူျပဳႏိုင္ေအာင္ 101 Suite ထဲက ေဆာင္းပါးေကာင္းေလးေတြကို အလ်ဥ္းသင့္သလို ဘာသာျပန္ေပးၿပီး တင္ေပးသြားပါ့မယ္။ 101 Suite ဆိုတာ ပညာေရးႏဲ႔ပတ္သက္ၿပီး တကယ္အေထာက္အကူျပဳတဲ့ site တစ္ခုပါ။

ႏုိင္ငံတကာက ဆရာေတြေရးထားၾကတဲ့ ေဆာင္းပါးေတြကို ေလ့လာရင္း ျမန္မာ့ပညာေရးေလာကေကာင္းက်ဳိးကို ေဆာင္ႏိုင္ၾကမယ္ဆိုရင္ျဖင့္ ပင္ပန္းခံရက်ဳိးနပ္ပါၿပီ။ ။

Teaching Critical Thinking

Apr 24, 2010 Jessica Oman

Transferring knowledge to students is one thing - teaching them to question what they've just learned is a wholly different challenge.

Being the teacher or professor whose students consistently score high on standardized tests is an honor for some instructors. These teachers successfully transfer knowledge and test-taking skills to their students to ensure their success on the end-of-semester test. But there exists a completely different realm of teaching, which is teaching critical thinking. The goal of showing students how to question, how to break down stereotypes, and how to analyze their own thinking is a difficult one to achieve. Here are some ideas on how to stimulate critical thinking with students of any age.

Teaching Critical Thinking Through Role Play

Role playing activities are some of the most effective ways to get students to question their assumptions about the world they live in. For older students and adults, one idea is to hold a mock business networking event, where students are assigned different cards representing their status in a pretend company. Students don't know their own status but other students can see it on the card. Students with higher status cards will quickly realize their prestigious position, as will the students with very low status cards.

Immediately the students will grow uneasy about being treated differently than they would normally expect, and teachers can use this feeling as an opportunity to talk about status-based stereotypes, how they are formed and why we hold on to them as adults.

Teaching Critical Thinking Through Questioning Techniques

Ask the students why they think they are being taught Math, Biology, English, or any subject in the classroom. Encouraging students to ask "why?" about everything they learn will enable them to begin connecting their classroom experience to the real world. Why is Algebra important to know? Why is it used in business and finance? Why is this type of mathematics important for the regular population to understand?

Connect all of these questions to Math applications in the real world, and show them how being able to perform simple algebraic calculations can help them make smart purchasing decisions or get a better loan rate. Helping students understand the purpose behind the class content is a great way to nourish critical thinking skills.

Teaching Critical Thinking Through Debate

Show students how to debate effectively and without personal attacks. Debate is a healthy way to get students to consider other perspectives on a subject and come up with creative ways to justify their own arguments. Sometimes, students run out of logical arguments and end up changing their perspectives entirely. Other times, students end a debate feeling empowered because they have increased their knowledge about a particular subject. Debating also allows students to learn from each other, which can also break down any incorrect assumptions they might have made about classmates they do not know well.

Many instructors consider teaching critical thinking a risky activity since it can often bring out emotions among students, especially in culturally diverse classrooms. By approaching the concept delicately at first with lighthearted classroom activities on non-controversial subjects, many instructors soon find their students willing and curious to understand more about the people, and the world, around them, and this can be more rewarding than the results of any standardized test.

These are only a few suggested techniques to begin nurturing critical thinking in the classroom. There are vast online resources available, including the Foundation for Critical Thinking, that provide ideas and discussion on the subject. Most techniques can be adapted for use with any age group and with any subject of study, so don't be afraid to experiment with any kind of class composition.

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